The 5 Minute Miracle Course (for FREE!)

Get the 5 Minute Miracle Course for FREE when you sign up for my FREE Substack. Simply type in your email below.

Double Your Productivity and Your Happiness

The 5 Minute Miracle is my own secret to how I am super productive every single day.

And the best part?

It’s incredibly simple to learn and to use.

In fact, I can teach it to you in less than 30 minutes.

And, you’ll be able to start using The 5 Minute Miracle immediately. No special tools or apps needed. You simply need 5 minutes a day and I promise you’ll double your productivity and your happiness.

Simply pop your email here and I’ll send you a welcome email with the link to this hidden bonus.

Is It Really Free?

Normally, this course is $97, but I’m offering it for free to my newsletter subscribers for a limited time.

Okay, the big question: Is there a catch? Nope, there’s not. Once you type you email in the rectangle above, you’ll be signed up for my Not Rocket Science newsletter and you’ll get an email with special link to access the course for free.

And before you ask…you don’t have to pay anything to be a part of my newsletter either... that’s free too.

Wait, How Many Emails Will I Be Getting?

Good question. I hate it when people fill up my inbox needlessly, so I’m very intentional with your time. (After all, I am a productivity expert.)

I send one email a week. Usually on Tuesdays. These emails have tips, strategies and actionable content to help you find more meaning in your days.

Here’s a couple examples of the type of articles I send:

How to Feel Motivated When You Don’t Want to Do a Damn Thing

Blueprint for an Intentional Morning

Quieting the Inner Voice in Your Head

Yes, you get the course for FREE and all kinds of other resources, strategies and tips when you sign up!

Ready To Sign Up?

Of course you are… after all, you get the free course AND you get access to all kinds of actionable emails that are designed to help you feel better about your days.

Transform your day in just minutes. It’s not just a tagline - it’s my promise to you.

***If you’d rather pay the $97 to take the course, that’s totally up to you. You can enroll for that here… BUT… I would much rather give you this course for free!